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发布时间:2021-11-13 11:18:15 所属栏目:PHP教程 来源:互联网
导读:V-rep中显示激光扫描点 在VREP自带的场景中找到practicalPathPlanningDemo.ttt文件,删除场景中多余的物体只保留静态的地图。然后在Model browsercomponentssensors中找到SICK TiM310 Fast激光雷达,拖入场景中: 打开脚本参数修改器,可以修改雷达扫描范围

  在VREP自带的场景中找到practicalPathPlanningDemo.ttt文件,删除场景中多余的物体只保留静态的地图。然后在Model browser→components→sensors中找到SICK TiM310 Fast激光雷达,拖入场景中:
  双击视觉传感器图标,修改Filter中Coordinate Extraction的参数与传感器X/Y方向分辨率一致。X方向默认值为135,即会返回135个数据点,这里要改为256。
   我们可以在V-rep中绘制出激光扫描图:在场景中添加一个Graph,将其设为显示处理(Explicit handling),然后添加用户自定义数据x和y:
  然后点击Edit XY graphs按钮,在弹出的对话框中添加一个新的曲线。X-value选择我们之前自定义的数据x,Y-value选择自定义的数据y,并去掉Link points选项:
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then
    graphHandle = simGetObjectHandle("Graph")
    if maxScanDistance>1000 then maxScanDistance=1000 end
    if maxScanDistance<0.1 then maxScanDistance=0.1 end
    if scanningAngle>270 then scanningAngle=270 end
    if scanningAngle<2 then scanningAngle=2 end
    if (simGetInt32Parameter(sim_intparam_program_version)<30004) then
        simDisplayDialog("ERROR","This version of the SICK sensor is only supported from V-REP V3.0.4 and upwards.&&nMake sure to update your V-REP.",sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1})
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then
    if notFirstHere then
        -- We skip the very first reading
        if u1 then
            for j=0,u1[2]-1,1 do
                for i=0,u1[1]-1,1 do
                    if (v4<maxScanDistance_) then
                    if showLines then
        if u2 then
            for j=0,u2[2]-1,1 do
                for i=0,u2[1]-1,1 do
                    if (v4<maxScanDistance_) then
                    if showLines then
    --stringData = simPackFloatTable(measuredData) -- Packs a table of floating-point numbers into a string
    --simSetStringSignal("UserData", stringData)
    for i=1,#measuredData/3,1 do
  点击仿真按钮,可以在X/Y graph窗口中看到激光扫描结果如下:
ranges = Flatten[Import["C:UsersAdministratorDesktopdistance.csv"]];
ListPolarPlot[ranges, DataRange -> {-135 Degree, 135 Degree}]
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then
    if maxScanDistance>1000 then maxScanDistance=1000 end
    if maxScanDistance<0.1 then maxScanDistance=0.1 end
    if scanningAngle>270 then scanningAngle=270 end
    if scanningAngle<2 then scanningAngle=2 end
    if (simGetInt32Parameter(sim_intparam_program_version)<30004) then
        simDisplayDialog("ERROR","This version of the SICK sensor is only supported from V-REP V3.0.4 and upwards.&&nMake sure to update your V-REP.",sim_dlgstyle_ok,false,nil,{0.8,0,0,0,0,0},{0.5,0,0,1,1,1})
    -- Enable an LaserScan publisher:
    pub = simExtRosInterface_advertise('/scan', 'sensor_msgs/LaserScan')
    --After calling this function, this publisher will treat uint8 arrays as string. Using strings should be in general much faster that using int arrays in Lua.
    simExtRosInterface_publisherTreatUInt8ArrayAsString(pub) -- treat uint8 arrays as strings (much faster, tables/arrays are kind of slow in Lua)
    angle_min= -135 * (math.pi/180);        -- angle correspond to FIRST beam in scan ( in rad)
    angle_max= 135 * (math.pi/180)          -- angle correspond to LAST beam in scan ( in rad)
    angle_increment = 270*(math.pi/180)/512 -- Angular resolution i.e angle between 2 beams
    -- sensor scans every 50ms with 512 beams. Each beam is measured in  (50 ms/ 512 )
    time_increment  = (1 / 20) / 512
    range_min = 0.05
    range_max = maxScanDistance -- scan can measure upto this range
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then
if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then
    if notFirstHere then
        -- We skip the very first reading
        if u1 then
            for j=0,u1[2]-1,1 do
                for i=0,u1[1]-1,1 do
                    if (v4<maxScanDistance_) then
                    if showLines then
        if u2 then
            for j=0,u2[2]-1,1 do
                for i=0,u2[1]-1,1 do
                    if (v4<maxScanDistance_) then
                    if showLines then
    -- populate the LaserScan message
    scan['header']={seq=0,stamp=simExtRosInterface_getTime(), frame_id="SICK_TiM310_ref"}
    scan['scan_time']=simExtRosInterface_getTime() -- Return the current ROS time i.e. the time returned by ros::Time::now()
    scan['ranges'] = distanceData
    simExtRosInterface_publish(pub, scan)
   输入rostopic hz /scan可以查看消息发布的频率:
  这里有一个小问题,从上图可以看出激光雷达信息发布的频率约为43Hz,但是V-rep仿真的时间步���为50ms,消息发布的频率应该为20Hz。这是因为V-rep中默认情况下仿真并不是以实际时间在运行,在工具栏上点击real-time mode按钮,开始实时模式:
   另外,通过rostopic echo /scan命令可以查看消息的具体内容(方便我们检查出可能存在的错误:我在虚拟机下运行得到的数据很奇怪,但是换到实体系统上就没有问题):
   在V-rep中进行地图构建仿真时可以用键盘控制机器人的位置(这里直接简化为控制激光雷达),那么机器人相对于初始时刻odom坐标系的位置和姿态等信息可以通过航迹推算(使用里程计或惯性传感器根据机器人运动学模型计算)获得。然后需要将其按照nav_msgs/Odometry消息的格式包装好,发布到/odom话题上;并且还要发布机器人坐标系base_link相对于odom坐标系的tf变换。The nav_msgs/Odometry message stores an estimate of the position and velocity of a robot in free space. The "tf" software library is responsible for managing the relationships between coordinate frames relevant to the robot in a transform tree. Therefore, any odometry source must publish information about the coordinate frame that it manages.
function getTransformStamped(objHandle, name, relTo, relToName)
  -- This function retrieves the stamped transform for a specific object
  t = simExtRosInterface_getTime()
  p = simGetObjectPosition(objHandle, relTo)
  o = simGetObjectQuaternion(objHandle, relTo)
  return {
      header = {stamp=t, frame_id=relToName},
      child_frame_id = name,
      transform = {
$ rosrun tf view_frames
$ rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree
$ rosrun tf tf_echo  reference_frame  target_frame
odomPub = simExtRosInterface_advertise('/odom', 'nav_msgs/Odometry')
local pos = simGetObjectPosition(baseLinkHandle,  odomHandle)
local ori = simGetObjectQuaternion(baseLinkHandle, odomHandle)
odom = {}
odom.header = {seq=0,stamp=simExtRosInterface_getTime(), frame_id="odom"}
odom.child_frame_id = 'base_link'
odom.pose = { pose={position={x=pos[1],y=pos[2],z=pos[3]}, orientation={x=ori[1],y=ori[2],z=ori[3],w=ori[4]} } }
simExtRosInterface_publish(odomPub, odom)
  gmaping包是用来生成地图的,它需要从ROS系统监听多个Topic,并输出map。The slam_gmapping node takes in sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages and builds a map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
Subscribed Topics:
tf (tf/tfMessage):Transforms necessary to relate frames for laser, base, and odometry
scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan):Laser scans to create the map from
Required tf Transforms:
<the frame attached to incoming scans> → base_link:usually a fixed value, broadcast periodically by a robot_state_publisher, or a tf static_transform_publisher.
base_link → odom:usually provided by the odometry system (e.g., the driver for the mobile base)
Provided tf Transforms:
  map → odom:the current estimate of the robot's pose within the map frame
  使用记录下的tf以及laser scan data构建地图的步骤如下:
  1. 键盘或手柄控制机器人在空间中运动时,使用rosbag记录激光及tf数据包,记录完成后按Ctrl+C键结束。
$ rosbag record -O my_scan_data  /scan  /tf
  2. 设置参数,确保在任何节点使用前use_sim_time参数为true。我们重播一个记录历史文件时,里面记录的是历史时间,所以我们需要告诉ROS从现在起开始启用模拟时间。This basically tells nodes on startup to use simulated time (ticked here by rosbag) instead of wall-clock time (as in a live system). It avoids confusing time-dependent components like tf, which otherwise would wonder why messages are arriving with timestamps far in the past. 关于时钟问题可以参考http://wiki.ros.org/Clock.
  Normally, the ROS client libraries will use your computer's system clock as a time source, also known as the "wall-clock" or "wall-time" (like the clock on the wall of your lab). When you are running a simulation or playing back logged data, however, it is often desirable to instead have the system use a simulated clock so that you can have accelerated, slowed, or stepped control over your system's perceived time. For example, if you are playing back sensor data into your system, you may wish to have your time correspond to the timestamps of the sensor data.
$ rosparam set use_sim_time true  
  设置use_sim_time为true,rosbag回放开始后ROS Time与Bag Time一致:
  3. 运行slam_gmapping节点,它将在scan主题上监听激光扫描数据并创建地图(可以在命令行中设置建图参数:比如地图分辨率、粒子数目、迭代次数、地图更新间隔等参数)
$ rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=scan  _xmin:=-2.5 _xmax:=2.5 _ymin:=-2.5 _ymax:=2.5 ...
particles (int, default: 30) gmapping算法中的粒子数,因为gmapping使用的是粒子滤波算法,粒子在不断地迭代更新,所以选取一个合适的粒子数可以让算法在保证比较准确的同时有较高的速度。
minimumScore (float, default: 0.0) 最小匹配得分,这个参数很重要,它决定了对激光的一个置信度,越高说明对激光匹配算法的要求越高,激光的匹配也越容易失败而转去使用里程计数据,而设的太低又会使地图中出现大量噪声,所以需要权衡调整。在V-rep仿真中里程计数据是直接通过函数获取的,没有误差,因此可以将这个值调高一点,让地图的匹配更多依赖里程计数据。
lskip(int, default: 0)的值如果为0,则所有的激光数据帧都会用来进行scan matching,如果lskip的值大于0则会跳过几帧来进行scan matching。有时激光数据的噪声会比较大,对所有数据帧进行匹配的效果可能会不好,这时可以加大lskip的值。
xmin, xmax, ymin 和 ymax这4个参数设定了地图的初始尺寸,但并非最终尺寸(参考Gmapping does not correctly set up map size parameters )
    <arg name="scan_topic"  default="scan" />              <!-- laser的topic名称,与自己的激光的topic相对应  -->
    <arg name="base_frame"  default="base_link"/>          <!-- 机器人基坐标系 -->
    <arg name="odom_frame"  default="odom"/>               <!-- 里程计坐标系 -->
    <arg name="map_frame"   default="map" />               <!-- 地图坐标系 -->
    <!-- 启动slam_gmapping节点 -->
    <node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="slam_gmapping" output="screen" clear_params="true">   <!-- clear_params: Delete all parameters in the node's private namespace before launch -->
      <!-- Parameters used by gmapping wrapper -->
        <param name="base_frame" value="$(arg base_frame)"/>   <!-- The frame attached to the mobile base -->
        <param name="odom_frame" value="$(arg odom_frame)"/>   <!-- The frame attached to the odometry system -->
        <param name="map_frame"  value="$(arg map_frame)" />   <!-- The frame attached to the map -->
        <param name="map_update_interval" value="0.5"/>        <!-- 地图更新时间间隔 Lowering this number updates the occupancy grid more often, at the expense of greater computational load. -->
        <param name="throttle_scans" value="1"/>               <!-- throw away every nth laser scan. set it to a higher number to skip more scans -->
        <!-- Parameters used by gmapping itself -->
        <!-- Laser Parameters -->
        <param name="maxUrange" value="1.8"/>    <!-- maximum range of the laser scanner that is used for map building. set maxUrange < maximum range of the real sensor <= maxRange -->
        <param name="maxRange" value="2.0"/>     <!-- maximum range of the laser scans. Rays beyond this range get discarded completely -->
        <param name="sigma" value="0.05"/>       <!-- standard deviation for the scan matching process -->
        <param name="kernelSize" value="3"/>     <!-- search window for the scan matching process -->
        <param name="lstep" value="0.05"/>       <!-- The optimization step in translation 平移优化步长 -->
        <param name="astep" value="0.05"/>       <!-- The optimization step in rotation    旋转优化步长-->
        <param name="iterations" value="5"/>     <!-- number of refinement steps in the scan matching 扫描匹配迭代步数-->
        <param name="lsigma" value="0.075"/>     <!-- standard deviation for the scan matching process -->
        <param name="ogain" value="3.0"/>        <!-- gain for smoothing the likelihood -->
        <param name="lskip" value="5"/>          <!-- 0表示所有的激光都处理,如果计算压力过大可以将该值调大。 take only every (n+1)th laser ray for computing a match (0 = take all rays) -->
        <param name="minimumScore" value="80"/>  <!-- 判断scanmatch是否成功的阈值,过高的话会使scanmatch失败,从而影响地图更新速率 -->
        <!-- Motion Model Parameters (all standard deviations of a gaussian noise model). 运动模型的噪声参数 -->
        <param name="srr" value="0.01"/>  <!-- linear noise component (x and y) -->
        <param name="stt" value="0.02"/>  <!-- angular noise component (theta) -->
        <param name="srt" value="0.02"/>  <!-- linear -> angular noise component -->
        <param name="str" value="0.01"/>  <!-- angular -> linear noise component -->
        <!-- Initial map dimensions and resolution -->
        <param name="xmin" value="-2.5"/>   <!-- minimum x position in the map [m] -->
        <param name="xmax" value="2.5"/>    <!-- maximum x position in the map [m] -->
        <param name="ymin" value="-2.5"/>   <!-- minimum y position in the map [m] -->
        <param name="ymax" value="2.5"/>    <!-- maximum y position in the map [m] -->
        <param name="delta" value="0.05"/>  <!-- size of one pixel [m], 地图分辨率 -->
        <!-- Likelihood sampling (used in scan matching) -->
        <param name="llsamplerange" value="0.01"/>    <!-- linear range -->
        <param name="lasamplerange" value="0.005"/>   <!-- linear step size -->
        <param name="llsamplestep" value="0.01"/>     <!-- linear range -->
        <param name="lasamplestep" value="0.005"/>    <!-- angular step size -->
        <!-- Others -->
        <param name="linearUpdate" value="0.05"/>     <!-- 机器人移动linearUpdate距离,进行scanmatch -->
        <param name="angularUpdate" value="0.0436"/>  <!-- 机器人选装angularUpdate角度,进行scanmatch -->
        <param name="resampleThreshold" value="0.5"/> <!-- 重采样门限Neff. threshold at which the particles get resampled. Higher means more frequent resampling -->
        <param name="particles" value="100"/>         <!-- 滤波器中粒子数目  Each particle represents a possible trajectory that the robot has traveled -->
        <remap from="scan" to="$(arg scan_topic)"/>
  4. 在新终端中启动bag包回放,将数据提供给slam_gmapping节点
$ rosbag play my_scan_data.bag
  5. 使用map_server生成地图
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f my_map
   使用map_saver命令后会生成两个文件。my_map.pgm是地图的PGM格式的图片,PGM格式是便携式灰度图像格式(portable graymap file format)。my_map.yaml文件描述地图元数据。
image: my_map.pgm
resolution: 0.050000
origin: [-12.200000, -12.200000, 0.000000]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196
origin:地图中左下角像素的位置和姿态(x,y,yaw),偏航为逆时针旋转(yaw = 0表示无旋转)
  6. 在建图结束后不要忘记重置use_sim_time参数
$ rosparam set use_sim_time false


