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二次指数平滑预测法 Python达成

发布时间:2021-11-19 10:28:28 所属栏目:PHP教程 来源:互联网
导读:从以往的时间序列值,进行指数平滑,做两次预测出下一个时间的估计值。 目录结构如下: Python代码如下: forecast.py # -*-coding:utf-8 -*- # Time:2015.11.25 sangjin __author__ = hunterhug import matplotlib #matplotlib.use(Agg) #matplotlib.use(Tk

# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
# Time:2015.11.25 sangjin
__author__ = 'hunterhug'
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from operator import itemgetter
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
def judgefile():
    path = input("请输入该目录下的excel文件名:") # file path
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        return path.lower()
        return judgefile()
def writeexcel07(path, content, name='Sheet1', sheetnum=0):
    # values = [["名称", "Hadoop编程实战", "hbase编程实战", "lucene编程实战"], ["价格", "52.3", "45", "36"], ["出版社", "机械工业出版社", "人民邮电出版社", "华夏人民出版社"], ["中文版式", "中", "英", "英"]]
    for i in range(0,len(content)):
        for j in range(0,len(content[i])):
            sheet.cell(row = i+1,column= j+1).value = content[i][j]
    # sheet.cell(row = 1,column= 2).value="温度"
def read07excel(path):
    excelcontent = []
    sheetnames = wb2.get_sheet_names()
    # print("列数: ",ws.get_highest_column())
    # print("行数: ",ws.get_highest_row())
    for i in range(0,row):
        rowcontent = []
        for j in range(0,col):
            if ws.rows[i][j].value:
    return excelcontent
def calvalue(excel, a):
    date = [] # x label date
    data = [] # y label data
    for i in range(2,len(excel)-1):
    e1 = [data[0]] # one time forecast
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
        next = data[i] * a + e1[i] * (1 - a)
    e1e = [] # one time absoultion error
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
    e1e2 = sum(e1e)
    e2 = [data[0]] # second time forecast
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
        next = e1[i] * a + e2[i] * (1 - a)
    e2e = [] # second time absoultion error
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
    e2e2 = sum(e2e)
    e1y = e1[len(e1)-1] # one time forecast value
    e2y = e2[len(e2)-1] # two time forecast value
    return [a, e1y, e2y, e1e2, e2e2]
def calvaluetop5(excel, step = 0.01):
    initvalue = 1.0
    all = []
    top5 =[]
    while initvalue <= 1.0 and initvalue >= 0:
        all.append(calvalue(excel, initvalue))
        initvalue = initvalue -step
    d = {}
    for i in range(0, len(all)):
        d.setdefault(i, all[i][3])
    d1 = sorted(d.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
    topnum = len(d1)
    if topnum>=5:
        topnum = 5
    for i in range(0,topnum):
        pos = d1[i][0]
    return top5
def judgestep():
        a = float(input("请选择系数变化步长(范围0~1):"))            # change var
        return judgestep()
    while a > 1 or a < 0:
        return judgestep()
    return a
def judge():
        a = float(input("请输入变化系数a:"))            # change var
        return judge()
    while a > 1 or a < 0:
        return judge()
    return a
def single(a,path):
    excel = read07excel(path)
    title1 = excel[0][0]
    title2 = excel[1]
    # print(excel)
    title = ':'.join(excel[0])
    date = [] # x label date
    data = [] # y label data
    for i in range(2,len(excel)-1):
    # print('/n',data)
    # print(title,data,date)
    e1 = [data[0]] # one time forecast
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
        next = data[i] * a + e1[i] * (1 - a)
    # print('/n',e1)
    e1e = [] # one time absoultion error
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
    # print('/n',e1e)
    ele2 = sum(e1e)
    # print(ele2)
    e2 = [data[0]] # second time forecast
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
        next = e1[i] * a + e2[i] * (1 - a)
    # print('/n',e2)
    e2e = [] # second time absoultion error
    for i in range(0,len(data)):
    # print('/n',e2e)
    e2e2 = sum(e2e)
    # print(e2e2)
    e1y = e1[len(e1)-1] # one time forecast value
    e2y = e2[len(e2)-1] # two time forecast value
    content = [[title1,'可变系数a=',a]]
    datas = [date, data, e1[:len(e1)-1], e1e, e2[:len(e2)-1], e2e]
    datast = [[r[col] for r in datas] for col in range(len(datas[0]))]
    content[len(content):] = datast
    yu1 = ['', e2y, e1y, ele2, e2y, e2e2]
    yu2 = ['', '最终预测值', '一次指数平滑预测值', '一次指数平滑绝对误差累加', '二次指数平滑预测值', '一次指数平滑绝对误差累加']
    # print(content)
    path1 =path.replace('.xlsx', '(结果生成).xlsx')
    writeexcel07(path1, content, '生成表')
    font = FontProperties(fname=r"c:windowsfontssimsun.ttc", size=14)
    num = range(0,len(date))
    plt.plot(num, data, 'b-*', label='原始数据')
    plt.plot(num, e1[:len(e1)-1], 'r*-', label='一次指数预测')
    plt.plot(num, e2[:len(e2)-1], 'g*-', label='二次指数预测')
    bottomtitle1 = 'n一次预测值:'+str(e1y)+"t误差和:"+str(ele2)
    bottomtitle = bottomtitle1 + 'n二次预测值:'+str(e2y)+"t误差和:"+str(e2e2)
    plt.title('指数平滑法预测走势图(时间序列)变化系数a={0:3f}'.format(a)+bottomtitle, fontproperties=font) # simfang.ttf
    # plt.text(0, 0, bottomtitle, fontproperties=font)
    plt.xlabel('时间间隔', fontproperties=font)
    plt.ylabel('成交额', fontproperties=font)
    legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop=font)
    # legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True, prop=font)
    # Tweak spacing to prevent clipping of ylabel
def begin():
    sangjin = '''
        | 欢迎使用二次指数平滑法预测未来值    |
        |                                    |
        | 使用方法:                        |
        | 1.根据提示进行操作                |
        | 2.输出为预测走势图,以及处理后的excel    |
        | 青木公司花名:桑槿            |
        | 新浪微博:一只尼玛              |
        | 微信/QQ:569929309            |
def loop(path):
    choice1 = input("自动计算变化系数请选择y,手动请选择nn")
    if choice1 == 'y':
        step = judgestep()
        p5 = calvaluetop5(read07excel(path), step)
        for i in p5:
        a = judge()
def loop3(path):
    choice2 = input("如果想操作其他文件请选择y,退出选择n,其他操作按任意键n")
    if choice2 == 'y':
    elif choice2 == 'n':
def loop1():
    path = judgefile()


